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Happy National Nurses Day!

Today is National Nurses Day. It’s the day we honor our nurses by acknowledging their dedication and commitment to keeping our society healthy. It is especially important during this pandemic to give thanks to those nurses helping us out every day.

In honor of this day, ProviDRs Care would like to give a special thanks to our very own nurse and care navigator, Morgan Jarrard RN. Her nursing career began in 2011 and has spanned across different areas of nursing including NICU, school nurse, nurse manager, clinic nurse, and now case management. Jarrard mentions that one of the most rewarding aspects of a career in nursing is the ability to connect with patients on such an intimate level.

“I have often met with my patient’s under difficult circumstances. I’ve witnessed everything from the moment of birth to the end of a life. I have gotten to know my patients very quickly and have had the opportunity to play an important role in their lives. I became a nurse so that I could have an impact on the lives of others and have a career that felt very meaningful. I believe that at the end of the day, no matter how challenging, I have impacted someone’s life for the better.”

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