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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Need help? Know someone who does?
If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has understandably caused a lot of stress on our community. Fear and anxiety about if and when the disease can affect our loved ones have caused strong emotional distress on people of all ages. If you are feeling stressed, here are some ways to cope with it:

  • Take breaks – Whether you are working, reading, watching shows, or even on social media; it’s always good to step back for a minute and relax
  • Take care of your body – Stay healthy by eating well balanced meals and try to stay active
  • Make time to unwind – Take a “Me” day. It’s easy to get lost in your work which is why you should try to schedule in some time for yourself
  • Connect with others – Communicate your honest feelings to people you trust

Although social distancing is a must in order to keep the spread of the disease low, that doesn’t mean we should disconnect ourselves. Checking in with loved ones by virtually communicating with them is a great way to stay safe while keeping them from feeling disconnected. Consider reaching out to them by:

  • Phone call
  • Video chat
  • Mailing letters or cards
  • Social media
  • Text messages

If you’d like to know more about managing the stresses of COVID-19 visit

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